Saturday 5 April 2014

Once Upon A Time....

Once upon a time Mum Of Five Girls got a job and everything went to shit...well even more so than usual!

20 hours per week work from home....that'll be a piece of cake Mum Of Five Girls thought. Haha Mum Of Five Girls was wrong!! 

The dishes piled up and up and up....

The laundry piled up and up and up.....

And the dust and dirt piled up and up and up....

Not only did the house suffer but her blog started to feel very neglected too....

Slowly but surely Mum Of Five Girls started to get the hang of this working from home thing...see she only burnt one side of the frozen nuggets...

Mum Of Five Girls is going to rock this working from home thing....eventually lol !

And best of all she is very excited to be earning some money to put towards a few little extras on their secret family trip....which is only 10 days away!!!!

well one day, after the dishes, the laundry, the vacuuming....

Linking up with Essentially Jess for #IBOT


  1. Ooh secret family trip sounds awesome!! I'm sure it's just a matter of time until you get into the swing of things with work.

  2. Haha. The Nuggets cracked me up. Good on you lovely. Cant wait to hear more! Xx

  3. Yep I know how you feel - exhausted when I look at every thing so I hide in my study #teamIBOT

  4. Everything new takes time to work out. I'm studying full time this year and that's stretching me in the housework stakes!
