Tuesday 5 August 2014

Time Flys....

I will never cease to be amazed by how quickly time passes...seems like yesterday it was school holidays but here we are already in week four of this term.

We all have the same amount of hours in each day but I always feel like other people are getting so much more that making lunches, washing dishes and scrubbing toilets out of theirs. 

They seem to have time for a little lunch time walk on the beach or time to sit down and sew up a storm.  I am hard pressed to bake a batch of cookies and for the life of me I don't seem to be able to string more than a few days together when I attempt Fat Mum Slim's Photo A Day challenge.

I would love to find time to exercise every day, to be able to blog every few days, to take a day to shabby chic a table or sew some clothes for the girls.  I'd love to have my house in order, my paperwork in order....

So it seems it is time for a bit of a life overhaul!!  

Time to take a look at the way things are being done around here and time to put a few more systems in place.

It always seems to be that when things get even more busy or when unexpected things come up that any systems or routines that we do have fly out the window and we go into some sort of crazy survival mode in which the bare essentials seem to get washed, cleaning is confined to the area that can be seen from the front door as all visitors are confined to the hallway and the grass grows to the point where we start to forget that we have a veggie garden!!

My aim, in my spare time (haha), is to think through some processes and come up with some systems...so today I am starting with my monthly planner for August....writing down everything that August holds rather than flying by the seat of my pants and trying to remember where we are supposed to be!!!!!

Well there's August pretty much booked up !!!!!  I think I'd better look at some easy meals next to keep on track with feeding the troupes!!

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